Your building envelope is a complex organism. The way your building performs affects your operating cost, occupant productivity, comfort, health, and occupant well-being. McAfee Energy understands the importance of orchestrating the multiple systems functioning in your building to perform their desired objective in achieving a single goal. Integration and Optimization.

Much like a human body your building is a living organism, a complex system with multiple parts that cooperate as a network and the more precisely synchronized these parts are, and meet their standard specifications, the better the performance of your building. Its vitally important, that under your current budget, you determine what level of performance you can sustain for your building. This is something that you need to do immediately. More than likely, your building is your organizations most valuable physical asset on your balance sheet. What does your building’s sustainability plan look like?

When’s the last time you had a medical check-up? When’s the last time you Benchmarked your building or had a Building Energy Audit? The better you manage your buildings electricity, natural gas, HVAC system, lighting, water, air flow, heat flow and moisture flow the better your building will perform. Just like your body, your building has vital signs and these vital signs… your electricity, natural gas, HVAC system, lighting platform, water, air flow heat flow and moisture reflect the health of your building.
If you haven’t done it recently, get your building Benchmarked or request a Building Energy Audit.
The building Benchmark or Building Energy Audit is an essential tool for optimizing the performance of your building. This data will detail the health of your buildings assets and energy consumption. This data will inform how well your building is preforming relative to its model performance measurements. This is your roadmap to efficiency and reduced operating cost.
Your building’s structure, envelope, plumbing, electrical platform, HVAC system and moisture control system are the critical components responsible for the performance, health and safety of your building. These assets are secondary to the value of your building. Your building can not run, function or operate without them. The performance of these assets are a vital link in your energy consumption model. A simple change to anyone of these assets can deliver a significant change to our energy consumption model. How are these assets being managed?
At McAfee Energy, through our Collaborative Partners, we will tailor solutions to meet your unique needs, objectives and goals. We will provide you with objective energy and facility solutions designed to optimize your building performance, reduce your operating cost and overcome issues that have plagued you in the past. Our objective is to give you peace of mind and comfort which will allow you to focus on your organizations core objectives. Our seat at your table will ensure you that your building is effectively and efficiently managed with some of the industry’s most skilled talent equipped with world-class technologies.

Building Benchmarking

Building (Facilities) Mechanical Systems


Electrical Delivery and Wiring


Indoor Air Quality “IAQ”




Operations and Management


Building Envelope

Air, Heat, Pressure and Moisture Flow,




Thermal Boundaries (insulation)

Building Structure





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