McAfee Energy Paradigm


“Think Different”

Steve Jobs – Chairman, CEO and Co-Founder of Apple Inc.

The Balance of Optimal Energy Performing Buildings

McAfee Energy was established in 2014 as a full-service energy consulting firm. The McAfee Energy Business model leverages the skill-set of its collaborative partners to build High- Performance, Cost, and Energy Efficient Sustainable Property’s for its clients. The McAfee Energy business model is a collaborative model built upon a network of energy suppliers, energy engineers, vendors, contractors, and technologies that provide innovative “Best-in-Class” sustainable consulting, energy service, energy management, and energy efficient solutions to small, mid-size, and emerging businesses and organizations. Energy management is one of the most cost effective and expeditious ways to improve your organizations bottom line. Gone are the days where your energy management strategy was limited to paying your utility billing invoices on time, encouraging folks to turn the lights off when they left a room, especially bathrooms, and making every effort to reduce heating and cooling energy waste by reminding folks to close doors that protect your building occupants from the outdoor weather elements.

These five Tenets are Paramount to the McAfee Energy Paradigm:

1. Make the process of reducing your energy costs and energy consumption easy to understand. 2. Lower your operating expenses for the building. 3. Reduce your energy consumption and Carbon Footprint 4. Improve the comfort level and productivity of your building occupants 5. Increase the asset value of your Real Estate and building assets

At McAfee Energy we want to be your Wellspring of resources, to what is possible, Navigate you through the process from discovery to Benchmarking to concepts to implementation to verification to on-going monitoring.

Whether it’s a utility billing invoice audit, energy supplier recommendations, equipment service, repair or replacement or developing and implementing a full-scale sustainability plan… you can count on McAfee Energy as your creative Linchpin to the process. Join the McAfee Energy community of clients.

Join the McAfee Energy community of clients.